Thursday, February 26, 2009


Every now and then the weatherman can be right and sure enough he was right today. It started to snow last night and continued into the wee hours of this mornig. The stinky part about living in an area where it snows is that the school board will call with the latest conditions. For the past two days Mimi has been waking up earlier than usual. This morning the school called 3 times starting at 4:30 this morning. The first call was to let us know that there will be school even though it is snowing, a little while later they called back to say that the school will start 2 hours later than usual, finally the 3rd and last call came about one hour ago to say that due to the bad road conditions there will be no school at all. I live for the day when I can sleep until 9:00 am without any interuptions. I don't think that is asking too much, do you??? Mimi is quite thrilled about snow days but she does not realize yet that it cuts into their summer vacation. The kids have to make up these snow days by going to school in the summer. Also since there is no school due to the snow, her gymanstic class is cancelled and we will have to make that up at a later day. Usually our make - up days are Monday afternoon but now that she is on the Lugnut T-Ball team, they have their practice on Mondays afterschool. So I am not quite sure what we will do at this point but I quess that I will cross that bridge when I get to it. At first living here where it snows was quite exciting but now it is starting be a drag. The novelty of it all is starting to wear off. It can really put a cramp in your daily routine.

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