Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Found this in one of grandma's catalog's and I may just go ahead and order it.
It seems that the older Mimi gets the busier we are. Maybe it is the same for everyone else too.
Just yesterday Keri asked if I was going to sign Mimi up for Little League. Yep, that's right, it's that time of year again. I told her as of now we have a whole lot on our plate so I think that we will pass it up. This is our schedule as follows: Monday-school/piano lessons, Tuesday-school/gymnastic practice, Wednesday-school/piano practice with Maddy, Thursday-school/playdate??? That is if anyone else is available, Friday-school (volunteer time for me)/gymastic practice, Saturday-family time, Sunday-ski lessons. Then we start all over again.
This year we did not have hardly any snow but lots of cold freezing weather. Yesterday was rather nice outside so I was able to do some garden work and much to my surprise my plants are starting to grow. The Fall is the time to plant your Tulips and Daffodils which I did and they are now starting to pop up from the ground. Then there is the annual "mystery plant" that is starting to growing and I can't remember what I planted last year. Gawd how I hate these "senior moments".