Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Believe it or not, we actually made it on the internet news. With all of the snowfall we had last month, we are now going through a rain/wind storm. That brings on the flooding and avalanches. Although we do not live in Snoqualmie, Mimi is scheduled to go there for her ski lessons with dad come this Saturday. Unlike what we did while living in Southern California, we really watch the weather forecast religiously. Things could change in a heartbeat up here. It has rained non-stop since midnight Monday.


The most important point I want to make here is that I SURVIVED!!! And more importantly my house is still intact along with my sanity.


It is still raining like all get out. It's kind of crappy having a birthday in Jaunuary up here in Washington. Not much a 6 year old can do outside. So far so good. I had everything prepared by the time the kids arrived. Halliwell came early. Halliwell's mom Brandy had to make an emergency visit to the doctor. Apparently she fell yesterday and did more damage to her back. She is also pregnant with another baby boy as I found out yesterday. She was not eating much before and now she really cannot keep anything down. Like I said in previous blogs, I am so grateful that my little core of mom friends are always willing to help each other out. So today I am taking care of Halliwell until Brandy and John get home. All in all the kids are having a great time together despite that fact that the topic of discussion among 5 and 6 year olds have to do with bodily functions and the noise they make. As soon as lunch was over they all headed over to school. Round two of cake and ice cream will start in about an hour and a half when school lets out. YIKES!