Friday, August 22, 2008


This is the look that Mimi will give when she gets busted for doing something that she was not supposed to do such as writing on the wall, then she will say "kiss me!"
Many moons ago mama did pretty much the same thing so I guess what goes around, comes around. This writing on the wall was done quite some time ago. I guess we're just keeping it as a reminder of Mimi.


Picture on the right is of mama(who never looked so beautiful), Mimi and papa (who never looked so handsome). Picture on the left is of Mimi and Mei Mei. Where's mama and papa? What's up with that? I ask. According to Mimi, she is ready to go to China right now she says. So are we. She is constantly telling mama all of the things that she can teach Mei Mei such as all the things she learns in school. Bailey can't wait either. She will finally have someone her own age that she will be able to play with. As of now Mimi is sometimes in the middle of a tug of war between Blake and Bailey. Blake wants to play pirates or superheros and Bailey wants Mimi to play tea party and baby dolls (something to which Blake hates to play). Mimi on the other hand enjoys playing both.