This month is Bailey's birthday and so her mama Keri decided to have a party for her this evening before they leave for their trip to Utah tomorrow morning.
This morning mama was upstairs getting ready for the day and then she called to Mimi to come up and get ready to go shopping for Bailey's birthday present. When Mimi reached the top of the stairs she asked mama out of the blue "why didn't my China mom (Mimi's foster mom) want me?" We sat down right then and there at the top of the stairs and had a discussion. As soon as Mimi turned 4 years old, was when she started to ask questions about her past. Mama would tell her the story about how we came together as a family using a fairytale format until she gets a little older. So when she asked why her China mom did not want her, mama said that it's not that her China mom did not want her but that she (Mimi) needed us and we most definitely needed her and that we love her so very much. "I love you too mom" Mimi says and gave mama a great big baby bear hug. Then she was on her merry way again. WOW!!! That's what mama thought. For such a young child, she will just blow me away with such deep thoughts. When papa came home for the evening, mama shared this story with him and he said that Mimi has asked him "Why did you choose me?" Like I said, WOW!!!
As soon as Ling Ling arrived, mama took both girls over to Blake and Bailey's, Mimi made the announcement, "Hi everybody! This is my friend Ling Ling. She's Chinese, so you have to say Ni Hao because she speaks Chinese!!!" That's our Mimi. Gawd how we love her soooooooo much!!! It's hard to see in the picture but Keri ran out of birthday hats so she gave Mimi and Ling Ling hats that say Happy New Year!