Lately Mimi has been wanting to fix her hair so that she can look pretty. I have trying to copy the hairstyles that I find on . There is one problem tho, Mimi has a cowlick right smack dab in the middle of the back of her head and very fine, short hair. I usually end up by putting quite a bit of goop on it to keep the fly away hair from flying away.
This coming Wednesday will be her Graduation Day from pre-school. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!! No more payments made for school or childcare!!! Woo Hoo!!! That is until the next one comes along. In the morning mama will take Mimi over to the beauty shop to have Christine fix her hair real pretty. Then we will go over to pick up grandma and grandpa and head over to the Lake Wilderness for the ceremony.
According to the teacher, Mimi's "boyfriend" Blake is so excited that the two of them will be graduating together. Maybe when everything is over, we will take the kids to Chuckee Cheese's to celebrate. Don't quite know yet.