This afternoon mom was planning to make the trip up to the Northbend Outlet Mall but is rather happy that she changed her mind. There was a horrendous downpour of rain this afternoon. Bailey fell asleep so mom picked up Blake along with Mimi and came home. As Mimi and Blake were walking home they sang the age old song of "It's rainning, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...." as they were splashing in the puddles without their rainboots on. Sometime this weekend dad is going to stain the kitchen table. Until then mom will keep it covered with the butcher paper. Works great for the kids. Then this evening when mom was listening to the news, it was announced that there is a new casino in Snoqualamie that is openning tonight and Jessica Simpson will be performing. Now mom is really glad that she did not make the trip to North Bend because there is a humongous traffic jam there on the I-90. One has to go through Snoqualamie in order to get to North Bend.
Tomorrow mom will take Mimi to Target and get her snow pants. As mom was driving along the highway yesterday, she noticed small patches of snow on the mountains already. Although the lifts are no yet open, people are already snowboarding up at Mount Hood Oregon and they are already selling tickets to the ski lodges.