So far so good. Last year dad planted my apple tree in the backyard and this year it is starting to bloom. Hopefully come this fall we will have some delicious apples to eat. Last summer I purchased these two pots of Dahlias and the sales clertk told me that when the winter starts to set in is when these plants will start to die. When that happens she said just cut off the dead stuff and put the pots in the garage or storage. Then when the summer just starts to begin bring them out again and start watering them and they will grow again as these are bulb (perrinials) and they lie dormant during the winter and spring. I did as she said. I cut off all of the dead stuff and left them in my garage until the beginning of this month. Now they are growing back more than before. Maybe next week I will re-pot them and soon we will have flowers. This past Spring I have been purchasing quite a bit of plants from Walmart since I am on a budget and can only afford to buy very young plants for fairly cheap at Walmart. The down side of that is you have to wait so long for the plants to grow. A while back I bought this Honeysuckly plant from Walmart when it was nothing but a couple of sticks. The other night after coming home from walking Butch, I sat on my porch and noticed how big the Honeysuckle is getting. It smells sooooo good too. My Jasmine in the backyard is doing quite well too along with my Japanese Maple Trees, Japonicas and Rhodedendrons. I am working hard to get this garden going. Someday I hope to have something of an English garden.