Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh man was it gorgeous today. Freeze your nunnies off cold though. Our day started off with mom actually getting the chance to sleep in and Mimi and dad heading for the slopes up at Snoqualmie. Dad later reported that Mimi lasted for three runs before hunger struck and they came home. Dad said that Mimi ate 99% of the adult size clam chower and half of his french dip sandwich at their usual pit stop before coming home.
Next thing I knew the girl was home and watching tv. "I think not" I said to the girl. "We are going outside while the weather is beautifully clear" I added. It is supposed to start clouding up tomorrow and we are supposed to get some snow for a few days. Not sure about the snow as things change on a dime up here but you can best bet it will be darn cold, cloudy and rainy.
So outside we went and there was Shad, Blake and Halli. Off to the school ground we all went. The kids had loads of fun playing wall ball, riding their bike and scooter, playing on the playground equipment and racing across the field. Then Butch somehow got caught up in the soccer netting. Poor little fella. Then the boys decided to make up a new game. Playing soccer with a basketball. Go figure!