Saturday, March 22, 2008


For quite some time, papa had been wanting to try out this Thai restaurant in nearby Covington. It was ok, nothing to rave about. We were so spoiled by Siam Best in Marina Del Rey.
Usually when we get ready to go out, this is mama's conversation with Mimi.
Mimi: Mom, are you coming or what?!
Mama: I'm coming Mimi.
Mimi: If you don't come, I'm going to have to call 911. That's an emergency you know.
You never know what she is going to say next.


For the past two weeks, mama has been hard at work getting her flower garden started in between taking Mimi to gymnastic school and pre-school and between the rains and drizzle that we have been having lately.
First she is getting the perrinials started then maybe once everything is set the way she wants it, she will work on planting annuals.
Papa had suggested that mama should line the flower bed with some type of border. Since becoming a stay at home mom, mama is having to be strict with the finances. So therefore on the way to taking Mimi to school one day she saw quite a few rocks. They are still in the process of building more homes here. So there are plenty of rocks to go around. Mama has come to be known as the "Rock Lady". She has been hauling rocks in Mimi's wagon and linning them all around our huge backyard flower bed.
Today while shopping at Home Depot, mama saw some cobblestones for sale for almost $3.00 a piece. She figured that she saved approximately $500.00 worth of stone.
The hard part about planting is when I dig about 3 inches into the dirt, I hit rock and stone. Papa says that since we live quite close to Mt. Rainier (volcano that no longer erupts), is the reason for the stone and rocks. It is hardened lava from the past.


The good news is now Mimi and Blake are back to playing like brother and sister again. Just as goofy as can be. After coming home from the movies, Mimi took a two hour nap then dinner then it was time to play with Blake again. This evening after dinner Blake came over to play for a while then we all went over to Blake's. When we arrived at Blake's we found out our other friends Lisa and her family plus Ben and Brian were there also. Mimi was in 7th heaven. Not only did she have Blake to play with but Bubba as well.
The bad news is that this evening mama found out from our good friend Maggi that another one of our good friends Mary Ann has Lymphoma of the neck glands.