Sunday, April 20, 2008


We have been through it all in the past 24 hours. Yesterday while getting into the car to go to the Round Table Pizza for our monthly China family playdate, mama said "Oh look Mimi, it's starting to snow." Mimi quickly replied "No mama, dad says it's hell (hail). So it is helling." We had a good laugh about that one.


This past week mama and Mimi have been quite busy so Mimi has not played with Blake since last Saturday. As much as mama loves Blake, he was quite a little turd last Saturday. Where we now live is way much crime safer than our place in California. None the less mama always keeps a watchful eye out for Mimi and her friends. Last weekend Saturday, the weather was amazingly gorgeous outside so all the kids went out to play. After spending the day car shopping we came home and Blake came over to the house to play with Mimi. Things were going great. Then while mama was in the kitchen, she noticed that the house was unusually quiet. She saw the kids shoes but NOT THE KIDS. Frantically mama went through the whole house looking for them but could not find them. Then she realized that Lisa (Blake's neighbor) was having a BBQ and the kids were probably there. By this time it was 8:00 pm. Fortunately we all live close to each other. Sure enough when mama got to Lisa's house, there was Mimi. Needless to say Mimi was reeaalllly in the dog house that night. Mama marched her home real fast. Mimi was crying all the way home. When we arrived home and through her tears Mimi says "mama, you hurt my feelings!!!" To which mama replied "girl, you are lucky that is all I hurt!!!"

When all was said and done, both mama and papa sat Mimi down and had a long, long, long talk with her. Of course hugs and kisses ensued. Because mama really loves Blake and his family so much, the next day mama had a long mom to mom talk with Keri. to which she will have a talk with Blake. Mama explained to Keri that she was not upset at the fact that the kids went over to Lisa's but they did not tell/ask anyone that they were going to Lisa's.

Mimi has since learned her lesson. Now when I ask her what she needs to do if Blake tries to get her to go out with him, with a heavy sigh she will say "I know, I know, I have to tell Blake that we need to ask my mom or dad. OK mom say you got that right babe!" To which mama replies "You got that right babe!"