Since Mimi and I spend about 95% of our time together, I wanted to do something special and a little out of the ordinary tonight. I wanted to spend some time with just us, no dad, no Blake, no one, just me 'n' Mimi. I figured that after gymnastics was over we would head out to South Center Mall for dinner and a movie. Mimi has been really wanting to see the movie Hotel For Dogs. So off we went. Unfortunately we arrived at the theater, we found out that the movie was not playing there. So we settled for a sushi (crab roll and dragon roll) and beef pad thai dinner followed by a good book at one of our favorite places - Borders Bookstore. While having dinner we saw Mimi's little friend Nira and her parents. So we all had a nice visit for a short while. They had just finished seeing the movie Bolt. Mimi and I had already seen it so she and Nira had a good long discussion about it.