Friday, September 5, 2008



Izzy is now in the 8th grade and Mimi just adores her. This picture was taken on the way home from school.


As soon as the drop off was done we all headed over to Keri's house for margaritas. YUMMMMY!!! Mom also met Zoe's mom Shelly then there is Lisa in the pink. Lisa has two kids also Alex aka Bubba and Izzy who are a bit older than Mimi and Mimi just adores them both.


As you can tell these pictures were taken on the way to school and at school. The picture with the three girls are Lindsey, Mimi and Erin. Lindsey and Erin are in the same class with Ms Tabit and Mimi and Blake are with Ms Blevin. Blake also has "another woman" in his life now and her name is Zoe. Zoe is standing behind Blake in the class line up picture.

Although Mimi has never seen a Hannah Montana show, her friends Sara has all the music and they both love to listen to it. So I figured if it makes her happy to have a Hannah Montana so be it. There are so many other things to say no to such as body piercing and such. In way it is kind of nice that Mimi has what she does cuz I did not see anyone else with Hannah backpack. The boys had race car and army backpack and the girls had Disney Princess ones. Of course she had to take Baby Jagwa with her too.


Today is Mimi's first day of school and her friends are coming over for lunch. Blake had requested meatballs and spagetti. So that was what we had. Of course mama had a wine spritzer waiting for the adults. Picutred here is Mimi helping to make the meatballs.


This afternoon is Mimi's first day of school. People ask mom whether or not Mimi is going to half day or full day kindergarten. Mom says half day. We are tired of paying for school. I feel like wearing a sign saying WE HAVE SURVIVED PRE-SCHOOL! That is until when the next one comes along. Who knows when that will be. The wait to go to China for our mei mei is sooooo long!

Mimi says that she is a little scared about going to a new school. Ole' Blake says that since they are in the same class, Mimi could hold his hand and sit next to him. What a man!!!

We are all going to have lunch at our house. Spagetti with meatballs to be exact also a request made by Blake. Then we'll head over to the school. I'm sure there will be lots of picture taking and tears. When that is all done, mom, Keri and Janet will be heading over to Janet's house for margaritas. I am sooooo looking forward to that. Not only did mom survive pre-school but she survived the summer to boot!