Sunday, February 22, 2009


While Mimi was sick last week, she basically lived on Campbell's chicken soup and popsicles. Now that she is on the mend, boy howdy is she ever making up for her lost appetite. She is chowing down like there is no tomorrow. Last Friday morning she woke up and scolded me for not feeding her the day before "Mo-om! You forgot to feed me yesterday!!!" "Did you not eat breakfast, lunch and snacks at our house and pizza at Keri's last night?!" I said. "OOPS. I forgot" said the girl. Of course no Mexican dinner is complete without Mimi's favorite dessert of flan. Take notice that the girl has swiped my spoon and is eating the flan using double fists. Sticking the spoon to the nose is what happens when one has just a smidgen of too much sugar.


While waiting for the food Mimi and dad enjoyed a game of tic tac toe. Of course Mimi was the X and she won the game. Therefore she was doing her I Won cheer of " I won, I won, oh yeah, yeah, yeah!"


The party ended at 3:30 this afternoon and mom was quite hungry as she did not have lunch and there was no food at the party. Instead of the traditional birthday cake they had a ice cream sundae set up. Mimi decided that she wanted to have dinner at Chuck E. Cheese again so off we went to pick up dad and go to dinner. When we got there, there was a humongous line waiting to get in. Forget it we said and went back home to have dinner at our local Mexican restaurant.


It seems as if there are a whole bunch of kids born in February. Man oh man! Actually Ryan's birthday is next week but since it is their second winter break all of the kids were home this week. As soon as the ski lessons were done, Mimi and dad hightailed it for home just in time to catch the tailend of Ryan's birthday party. The kids had a blast. There were a few of other kids from Mimi's class there too such as her other friend Alex.


This morning Mimi and dad went up to Snoqualmie for Mimi's last official ski lesson. She has one more make-up lesson to do next month. Dad helped out the instructors as not many of them showed up today. Dad says that Mimi is doing real good and that she has the need for speed. He says that when she was skiing by herself she likes to go fast otherwise she would go slow with the rest of the class. He also says that she can do her turns real good. Last week she came flying in the door exclaiming "Mom! I did real good today! I only fell down 3 times!!!" Meanwhile back at the ranch, Butch was just beside himself. He so much wants to play with the cats but unfortunately our Stanley does not like to play with him much. Butch kept barking at him as if to say "C'mon and play with me!" Finally Stanley had this look on his face saying "Look here dude! KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Then proceeded to chase Butch all over the house, downstairs and upstairs both. That just got Butch even more excited than before.