There was a time when Mimi did not like any candy. Now that she is older and meeting more kids her age, there is more influence. Thankfully she eats it in moderation. Her ultimate favorite sweet thing is ice cream still. Before practice and competitions the kids are not allowed any sweets because of the effects it has on them. Therefore I did not pack any in Mimi's bag yesterday however I saw the little stinker eating candy hearts that another team member gave her. I'm assuming it was Elsie as they always share their food/snacks. Plus also I saw Elsie eating the candy too but it was when they were done with their part of the competition. By the time they were all done, it was 6:00 and we were quite famished! So on to Rikki, Rikki's Japanese restaurant in Kirkland we went. I still cannot believe how much Mimi eats. Everytime we see the doctor for her physical, the doc says there is nothing wrong and she is very healthy. I guess that she just has a high metabolism. Yesterday she ate breakfast at Testy's, a fish sandwich on the way to the meet. Then came her chicken nugget lunchable and carrot sticks for snacks at the meet. At dinner she had 3 bowls of miso soup, 3 shrimp tempura and of course her tuna sashimi. Man can she pack it away. When we got home I heard those immortal words of "Mom, I'm hungry again." So she ate a bowl of cereal and oh we cannot forget the ice cream for desert. On top of all this, Mimi and Elsie are like two peas in a pod. Just crazy, energetic little things. Emma just shakes her head.