Friday, July 23, 2010
I purchased this backyard swing again much to dad's dismay a couple of years ago at our local Fred Meyer's grocery store. And again it is one of the best buys I have made. It gets a whole lot of good use especially in the summer. At night when it is warm outside, we all will sit in it and talk about our day or whatever is on our minds at that time.
This afternoon Halliwell had gone out with her family and when she came home she saw the kids playing in the street and wanted to join them but by the time she was ready, they were gone. So she and Mimi played for about a half hour till it was time for her to go home. Of course Mc Callister is her little tag along brother who always wants to do what his big sis is doing.
Finally, finally, finally it is warm enough to use our pool that dad put up last week. Shadd and his family moved into the neighborhood just before the fourth of July. Correy who is Shadd's mom says that Mimi has been a true blessing for Shadd as he was feeling a bit friendless when they moved in. They moved to Maple Valley from Spokane and that is where he left his best friend. Micah his little sister is now feeling a bit left out cause Shad has a friend close to his age but she doesn't yet. However both Shad and Mimi try to include Micah in their playtime.
Last week was Bailey's 4th birthday and she celebrated with all of her friends at home last Sunday. As it turns out, Mimi and Zoe gave her the same kind of present.........Costco's Disney Princess coloring, sticker and stamp set. It did not seem to bother her though as her best friend Cassie was there. So Bailey says that Cassie could have one and she could have the other.
Fwd: [USAAChina33] For What it's Worth (Predictions)
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "blueheelermix" <>
Date: July 22, 2010 10:51:02 PM PDT
Subject: [USAAChina33] For What it's Worth (Predictions)
Just posted over at RQ-- like Sheila mentioned, she is usually not too far off with her predictions.
Let me try this another way:
They are working on May now, started in July – so May 2006 should be referred in July, August, September, October, and November of 2010 – with some possibly carrying into December.
June of 2006 would be in December of 2010 then January, February, and March of 2011 – with some possibly carrying over into April of 2011.
July of 2006 would be in April, May, and June of 2011 (again, with some likely carrying into July of 2011).
August of 2006 would then be in July, August, and September of 2011, with some carrying into October.
And that would make September of 2006 be in October November December of 2011 and January of 2012.
But, like I said, at some point it's likely we'll need to add a month or two in there – especially since the CCAA has a habit of slowing down towards the end of their fiscal year.
__._,_.___*...thank you Rick for being good stable information and encouragement... Andrea Au
*We should never discount the courage it takes to adopt internationally, to go outside our comfort zone on so many levels until it happens. Norman doesn't hold hands. But you are in the best of hands. Karin
*Trust in God, if that is your belief. Trust Kwan Yin, protector of children. Trust in a universe of infinite magic, beauty, wonder and mystery. Trust in yourself as a parent. Trust that your mind and heart and soul will expand to enfold and nurture this child, whoever she or he turns out to be. Andrea group 102
*It is so encouraging to know that other couples are going through
the same anxious wait, all the hopes, anxiety and uncertainties ... Christine G 118