Sunday, December 9, 2007


Mimi is not the only one enjoying the Lightening McQueen tent. Our Ollie does too. He likes to sleep in it everynight. Now and then he will let Stanley in.


Mama was goofing around with the camera after our tree decorating ceremony. We all had hot chocolate to drink and no mama's drink was not spiked (although it usually is spiked with gran marnier). Papa says that he did not know that mama had such feet fetish.


This weekend started off with shopping with Mimi on Friday morning. Fortunately Mimi is a very early riser so that we can do some errands in the morning before she has to go to school.

Things were going great till Mimi met up with Santa at the South Center Mall. Things started going down hill from there. A couple of years ago, Mimi had a not so good experience with Santa. Mama calls him the Billy Bob Thorton "Bad Santa" and that's no joke, he reeaallly was. Since then, Mimi absolutely will not take a picture with Santa. This time, mama thought for sure maybe Mimi had changed her mind. Mainly because Mimi said that she did want to take a picture and stood in line for it, that is until we reached Santa's chair. She then changed her mind. As some will say, it is a woman's perogitive. Santa tried in every way to get her take a picture. Nope, not our Mimi. She did get a plastic reindeer cup and candy out of the deal. Mama appologized to Santa and we left.

We stopped for lunch at Johnnie Rockets at the South Center Mall. Soon after lunch was over, we were getting ready to leave, Mimi disappeared!!! People are not lying when they say it only takes a second. Mama was quite frantic looking for her needless to say. Mama then turned around and looked up and what to her wondering eyes did she see? None other than Mimi's big, round head standing at the entrance of the mall (which is just outside Johnnie Rockets). Let's just say that Mimi has learned her lesson and I am fortunate that she is a smart girl so I know that it will never happen again.

To go anywhere here and get things done takes almost all day. That's no joke either. By the time we all came home from a very busy day of school, shopping and going to our Buddhist meeting in the evening, mama was really exhausted. Papa tried to get cozy with mama but she just gave him the evil eye and told him to "Leave me alone or your feelings will get hurt". Fortunately papa is a smart man and left mama alone.

Lucky for everyone, mama does not stay in a grumpy mood too long. By Sunday, she was back to her old self again. Plus her Seahawks won the game today.

Mimi is quite happy with the tree papa bought yesterday at McClendon's. Tonight they both had fun decorating it while mama made everyone hot chocolate to drink in this wintery weather.

Tomorrow it's back to the old grind for papa. Mimi and mama will go over to grandma's. Mimi and grandma have a project going for themselves. They will be making their traditional gingerbread house. Last year Mimi did it with her cousin Mari and they both a blast at it. This year Mari is in Japan working in the Jet Program. That is a program where one can go over there and teach english and they in turn get free room and board plus a small salary.