Sunday, December 14, 2008


Believe it or not we are experiencing near freezing temperature up here in western Washington. After Mimi and dad made their snowman, we started having a flurry of snow blowing around. Dad made a run to the QFC market and said that the parking lot was almost like an ice rink. In the evening he went to pick up grandma and grandpa and brought them to the house for dinner and you might have guessed it already. The power went out again! Therefore we had dinner by candlelight. Finally the power came back on.This is the second weekend in a row that it has happened. After dinner, Santa and his reindeer Mimi put the lights on the tree while the rest of us sat around drinking our egg nog. Although it has stopped snowing, we are having near freezing temperature which makes the roads super icey. Thank goodness mom has learned from grandma that one should start stocking up on non-perishable items in the beginning of the fall season. Also it helps to have a huge freezer in the garage too. Starting tomorrow we will be getting milk delivered to the house by our local dairy farm. By doing all of this, you can be prepared for any kind of weather. I am absolutely scared to death driving out on the icey roads. So many cars have already slid into the ditches including emergency vehicles. Tommorrow 95% of the schools up here are closed due to the bad road conditions including Mimi's school. That should make the kids real happy.


What started off to be a snowman (left pic) became Mt. Rainier. Dad said that the snow was too soft to pack so therefore it became........ "TA-DA! It's Mt. Rainier!" cried Mimi. Then both Mimi and dad came inside for a cup of hot chocolate to warm up before going back out and changing Mt. Rainier into a snowman.


Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with having mulitple kids in the family, there however are benefits to having just one child. At least that is what mom found out this morning while talking on the phone with Keri. Next week Mimi's school is planning an outing to the Seattle Children's Museum providing that the weather co-operates. Keri and Shelley have other children that need to be taken care of so they will not be able to chaparone the kindergarten class like mom is able to do at this time. Shelley has to take Braden to his pre-school Christmas program and Keri needs to figure out something for Bailey. Wade (Bailey and Blake's dad) will be home that day but the problem is Bailey is at the age (2yo) where she wants to be with her mom all the time and not dad. Greg says "Poor dads, we always get the shaft". I remember when Mimi was at that age and she was exactly the same as Bailey. Now it's mom who gets the shaft at times cuz Mimi really enjoys doing things with her dad. In fact they are outside now building a snowman together in the front lawn. I guess it goes in stages. Don't know what all of my other mom friends are going to do as they too have other smaller kids. We are part of a very small minority in our neighborhood with the one child.


Mom woke up at 7:30 this morning to find our neighborhood is covered in a blanket of snow. It got so cold last night that my outdoor waterpond actually froze over. Now a 8:44, the sun is out and the snow will most likely melt. The weatherman says that today our high will be 27 (top number is inside, bottom is outside) degrees ( and the snow will turn to ice. So therefore drivers are to beware of icey roads. Many cars have slid off the roads already. I think that although we had planned to go out today, I will stay home instead. Don't want to chance the icey roads. Instead Mimi and dad are going outside after breakfast and make a snowman. Mimi is quite excited about that.