Saturday, April 5, 2008


Mama is writing this particular story with our good friends the Fratkin's in mind.

About a month or two ago, not sure when as everything is a blur now a days. One day seems to run into the next. None the less our Mimi can now use a booster seat. YIPEE is what mama said until she realized it was a big pain in the tuckuss. We were given the seat on the right by grandpa and grandma (bless their hearts) but the problem was that for the life of her, Mimi could not buckle or unbuckle herself. She needed help from mama which was no easy feat. With mama's short arms and Dolly Parton boobs it really looked like a three ring circus getting in and out of the car. I should have sold tickets to see the show. I'll bet I could have made a million dollars.

The other day while shopping at Walmart, mama found this backless booster seat made by Graco and she bought it. Blake has the same one and both he and Mimi can work it by themselves 99.9% of the time. It also comes with cupholders in the front right and left corners of the seat. By the way, in this picture, Mimi did the buckling up herself. Almost forgot to mention that Mimi really likes it a lot.