Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fwd: [USAAChina33] Re: Sigh

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "trobob_1" <trobob@hotmail.com>
Date: February 1, 2011 12:02:42 AM PST
To: USAAChina33@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [USAAChina33] Re: Sigh
Reply-To: USAAChina33@yahoogroups.com


My wife talked to Norman today. He expects Group 123 to receive their referrals in late February, early March. He said our group (Group 124) will probably receive our referrals in late June or early July. He also said there were still eight families in Group 124. I just wish I knew who they were. I haven't seen anyone on here from Group 124 in over two years.

Bob Springer

Group 124
Group 94 Bengbu SWI (Abigail Qianqian)

--- In USAAChina33@yahoogroups.com, "blueheelermix" <blueheelermix@...> wrote:
> If that's true, really sucks. I still think they will get through at least July 2006 this year.
> Marlene
> --- In USAAChina33@yahoogroups.com, Sheila Tenney <sftenney@> wrote:
> >
> > The latest rumor this morning is that referrals will go through June 2nd.
> >

Recent Activity:
*...thank you Rick for being good stable information and encouragement... Andrea Au

*We should never discount the courage it takes to adopt internationally, to go outside our comfort zone on so many levels until it happens. Norman doesn't hold hands.  But you are in the best of hands. Karin

*Trust in God, if that is your belief. Trust Kwan Yin, protector of children. Trust in a universe of infinite magic, beauty, wonder and mystery. Trust in yourself as a parent. Trust that your mind and heart and soul will expand to enfold and nurture this child, whoever she or he turns out to be. Andrea group 102

*It is so encouraging to know that other couples are going through
the same anxious wait, all the hopes, anxiety and uncertainties ... Christine G 118


