Friday, May 14, 2010


This week the weather has been amazingly just gorgeous. Not too hot nor too cold. Then there is the bluest skies you ever seen in Seattle or so the song goes. But it is not far from the truth. Yesterday evening the three of us all sat out in our backyard swing just enjoying the each other's company when out of the blue Mimi says "Hey! There's the first star. Let's make a wish. (always the same one. Which is let's go to China ASAP)" It is starting to get dark later now (9:00 pm). That was when we saw the star and made our wish together. I kept looking at "the star" when I noticed that something was different. It did not look like just one star. It look more like a ball of stars all in a cluster. Both Greg and my ladyfriends said that it may have been the planet Venus. "Really?" I asked. "You mean that you could see Venus with the naked eye?" They all said "yes". At night time there are soooooo many stars out. It sort of makes me want to go out and purchase a telescope.