Sunday, May 17, 2009


This past January mom and dad bought Mimi this new four wheeled motocross bike for her birthday. However our weather being what it is, the bike has been in storage until this afternoon when dad put it together for her. Of course Blake and Bailey are ecstatic about it too as Mimi likes to share it with them. Mimi and Blake have since outgrown the smaller motor bike that Mimi has. However they still like to ride it in the house even though their knees are touching their chins.


Had Mimi still be living in Southern California, she would be at Disneyland right this very moment with Samantha and her family . Since we are all up here in Washington, mom thought that it would be a great idea to call Samantha and her family to let them know that we are always thinking about them and let them know how much we love them and the fact that they are part of our lives forever. This video was actually taken yesterday but I did not get a chance to put it up until today.