When the play was over, we made a run through McDonald before going over to Sara's house. Our good friend May's brother passed away and we wanted to give her our support during this rough time for her and her family.
Then it was on to the Jancola family home for our monthly China family get together. Linda thought that since Chinese New Year is coming up soon, it would be a good idea to learn some Chinese cooking. She brought it up at our last get together and since all of us women thought it would be a great idea and we all love to eat we agreed.
While the guys were in the living room playing cards, the women folk were in the kitchen learning how to cook potstickers and chow mein. Linda (pictured with her friend) has a friend whose name escapes me at this moment and this lovely lady agreed to come and teach us Chinese cooking. This lovely lady also gave the kids a small talk on subjects as the Chinese calendar and such. She also made it fun for the kids by having a contest and giving out prizes. The doll you see pictured is what Mimi won for giving the correct answer to how many animals there are in the Chinese calendar.
Besides potstickers and chow mein, we all brought food to share with everyone. It was soooooo good and yummy!!! Angie is another mom who has 3 exchange students staying with her and her family. They range from high school to college. So while the guys were playing cards and the kids were playing dress up and putting on a fashion show, us moms and the older girls had a really great dialogue with the exchange students.
Simona's daughter Damaria (wearing the blue shirt) is such a darling. I just love her to pieces. Well anyway Damaria who I think is 16 (?) asked most of the questions. The topics ranged anywhere from make-up to boys and dating, to school, to what is like growing up in China as one of the girls grew up in a boarding school in China (she comes from a wealthy family) to a little bit of politics.
Of course when Damaria asked about the dating and such, Simona who is a sweetie herself kinda gave her daughter the "evil eye" to which Damaria answered "whu-ut?" "I'm just asking her the usual questions that we teenagers talk about mom" Then someone said that Damaria should facebook these girls to which Damaria looks at her mom with the evil eye and says "my mom won't let me have one!" We all bust out laughing. It was one of those you had to be there moments.