Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sometimes being a kid can be tough. Yesterday Mimi was in rare form. Usually I don't have much trouble with her but all day yesterday she was something else. Sometimes I wonder how a college educated person like I am can all of a sudden start babbling to herself. All morning I kept saying over and over "Mimi, it's time to get dressed and get ready for school" to which the girl would answer "OK mom". Only to find that she has decided to play with her Zhu Zhu pets instead. Next thing I know she has only 10 minutes left to down some cold cereal into her tummy before it is time to head out of the door. The same thing happened when she got home from school and she had to get ready in a hurry for gymnastic practice. Then at practice she was put into "time out" because she was not listening and goofing off. The girl had come upstairs to the balcony where all of the parents sit while their kids are in class. Mimi then started to play under the table. When I asked why she was there, she said that she was in time out. So I pointed over to the chair where she needed to be. It was only then that it started to sink in that we were not going to take any of he crap that she was giving out. When we were all home last night we talked to her about how important that it is that she listens to what we the parents and the coaches are telling her. Thankfully she is a bright child and today went without a hitch. Another reason the coaches are getting real serious with her is because tomorrow we are all getting ready to go to the Regional Competition in Idaho. The girls are both nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous about their performance on Saturday's competition but excited about going swimming in the pool at the hotel after the competiton.