Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Because of the solstice season, it does not get dark till aroun 10 p.m. Therefore a lot of moms will have blackout curtains put up in the kids bedrooms. Our house is no different. Last year dad spent a couple of weekends putting ours up. It took Mimi 2 seconds to pull hers down.

Last Monday evening after dinner Mimi and I took Butch for a walk around the neighborhood. I have been doing more of that lately. We saw Alex as he was walking home from his ball game with his mom and baby brother Nate. By the time we got home it was 8:30 and I had Mimi go upstairs to take a bath. After her bath she was all wound up. I had a really hard time getting her to bed because according to Mimi "It's not night outside mom, it's still light and I don't want to take a nap when it is light outside". It does not matter that by this time it was 9:00 in the evening. I finally got her into bed and went into the office in the next room. The next thing I heard was Mimi in a big loud booming voice yelling out her window to her classmates Ethan and Kate and their family down below "Hi Ethan! Hi Kate!" Plus I heard some jumping on the bed. Then I heard a loud crash and bang!

By this time I was irritable, tired and cranky. I went in to see what happened. When I did, I just let the girl have it. I told her that she was getting on my last nerves. "What's nerves?" asks the child. ARGHHHHH!!!!! I just had to leave the room which is suffice to say.

Later after I had calmed down I realized that this is no way to put a child to bed and so I went back into Mimi's room and we talked things out as we always do. We also hugged and kissed and made up. By this time dad had come home. Mimi asked if she could go downstairs and say hello to him and so she did. She sheepishly said "dad, you need to go upstairs and look at my window". Uh oh he thought and sure enough he was not jumping for joy like whoopty doo! Mimi broke the curtain rod! Nor did he get mad at her. Instead we all talked things out as a family. Only after did we talk things out, Mimi says "dad, you could fix the window on Saturday". That's our baby! Hence the gymnastic classes.


Usually the kids could bring an item or toy that starts with the same letter as the "Letter Of The Week". Since we are nearing the end of school, the teacher is letting the kids bring any item or animal they want.

Last week Zoe brought her Pugle "Rex" to school I just knew that soon Mimi would want to dot the same thing since she just adores Zoe and likes to do everything that Zoe does. So today was the day whent Butch went to school with Mimi and she could answer any questions that her classmates would ask.


Since the weather is getting much nicer outside, Mimi and I hate to stay home. I suggested to Mimi about going out for breakfast and she asked if she could bring one of her friends so I said that would be fine. Zoe is one of Mimi's few friends that actually gets up early. Blake will get up early if he gets to go somewhere fun. As Keri says "Blake would jump on a sinking ship if he knew his friends were on it".

This morning Mimi wanted to take her friend to a local diner different from Black Diamond Bakery. Little did we know that each girl would be wearing the same pants from Costco. The one thing I have noticed that is different from the schools in California is that Mimi's school is not real strict with the dress code. The kids can actually wear flip flops to school.


Yesterday was the Lugnuts last official game. After the awards and trophies were passed out. Everyone was able to sit around and reminice about the beginning of the season and make remarks on how every member of the team made such improvements on their game.

In the beginning Erin was made the pitcher, the opposing batter would hit the ball right to her and she would just stand there and watch it roll right past her not knowing what to do. Yesterday the coach made her the catcher for the first half of the game and she did great despite all of the equipment she had to wear.

There was one game where Mimi was made the pitcher and the next thing we knew she was filling her back pockets with dirt. Made it look like she had one big lump on her butt. Now she can hit the ball real good in fact at last week Thursday's game she hit 3 homeruns and ran "just like Ichiro" she says.


This picture was taken at the Seattle Culture Center with her good friend Sara. Mimi and Sara get along just great, almost like a big and little sister. The youth division this year is getting ready to participate in the annual Seafair parade that is coming up on July 25th. It is one huge week long event every year. Almost equivalant to the the Rose Parade down in Southern California. Just like last year the ESD (elementary school division) are not able to be in the parade so we will sit along the curb and cheer our youth division band members on.
In the late afternoon while mom did a bit of shopping on her own, Mimi and dad went to see Disney's new Pixar movie "UP". Dad says that they really had a good time watching it however Mimi secretly told me yesterday that dad fell asleep during part of the movie. Tee, Hee, Hee.


Ok folks, I am finally able to take a little breather and update you all on what's been happening lately. I am finding now that as a stay at home mom, I am more busier than when I was working out there in society. Especially we are really busy now with the school year coming to an end and scheduling activities for Mimi to do in order to keet her busy during the summer months.

Last Friday morning we recieved a phone from grandma early in the morning. The senior community where she and grandpa live were getting ready to have a Friday, Saturday and Sunday community garage sale. Don't know exactly what happened but somehow one of grandpa's artificial hips came out of the socket. By the time dad, Mimi and I got there, grandma had already called the paramedics and off to the hospital they went. The doctor was able to place it back in and grandpa was able to come back home. Thank goodness. I totally lost count on how many operations he has had on both of his hips.

Since it was still early morning and there was nothing more we could do, dad went to work and Mimi and I were starving so I suggested how about we go out to breakfast. Of course Mimi picks Black Diamond Bakery. Then we did some errands to pick up some pet supplies and make it over to Louella's for our weekly visit.

One year ago, Mimi would not even be standing next to a big or little dog let alone petting them. It's amazing how much our Butch has had a good affect on our lives. Pictured beside Mimi is Natalie. Louella's says that she has no trouble getting the kids out of bed and dressed if they know that Mimi is coming to see them. She has loads of fun with them too.

Next it was time to stop by Costco and get some lunch before school started.

Come this Friday there will be a kindergarten concert at Mimi's school that all the kids are getting ready for. Then it is one more week of school after that.

During this summer all of her activities will be held in the evening. She will be doing swimming M-W-F with Erin and Halliwell for a couple of weeks. T-Th, it will be gymnastics. This time dad will be able to go and watch her practice. When the swimming is done, I have got her sighned up for sports camp with her neighborhood friends and possibly Karate with Blake.