From day one Mimi has always been a early riser. Why should today be any different I ask myself? About 4:00 this morning Mimi came into our room and slept with us for about 30 minutes before mom told her to go back to her room. The girl then left but came back within a matter of minutes asking dad if he would go out a fly a kite with her since the wind is blowing outside. "dad, do you hear the birds? do you hear the wind?" Mimi asks. "uh huh" says dad. "C'mon dad, let's go fly my kite!" cries Mimi. "I have to get ready for work Mimi" dad answers. "Well then, MOM COULD GO FLY A KITE WITH ME!" says the girl. "No I will not!!!" says mom who is still half asleep at this point. "But mom" says the child "It's morning outside!"
"Mimi, if you don't go back to bed this very minute, there will be no baseball tonight" I said. "BASEBALL!!!" cries Mimi as she scampers back into her room.
As of now, I am wide awake (I have been for the past 2 hours) updating our blog and the child is soundly asleep in her bed. ARGHHH!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The weather has just been too gorgeouse to do any cooking. So mom thought that she would invite Erin's and Halli's families over to the house for hot dogs and burgers. All the kids had a blast especially Liam who rode Mimi's four wheeler and didn't even care that he was wearing a princess helmet. Mom had dad set the speed on it's lowest just for Liam. He did pretty darn good on it if I do say so myself. Mimi usually will have it set to the highest speed.
This was Grandma Janet's last weekend here with the new baby Therrian. Today she and her husband John will be going back home to Minnesota. They came out here to help Brandy and her family with the new baby. They are really, really nice people.

On the way home from grandma and grandpa's we saw Spencer so of course Mimi wanted to stop and play. For quite some time Spencer has been collecting bugs and is sharing with Mimi all of his findings. There are some pill bugs, centipedes, ants, a couple of slugs and so forth. Then together with Jim (Spencer's dad), they went looking for more bugs.

Last Saturday started off with mom going to the Seattle Culture Center in the morning and then over to Uwajimaya later in the afternoon. Meanwhile dad and Mimi went to get his car have some maintanance work done and then breakfast at Denny's.
In between time Mimi would call mom on the cell phone just to talk. Now mind you somewhere between 10:30 (after breakfast) and 3:00 dad bought Mimi a kite that she had been wanting for quite some time. Everytime Mimi asked mom about a kite, I would just tell her "let me think about it". So of course the girl asks dad and he buys it for her. Bless his little heart. They had so much fun with the kite that when mom arrived home (3:00)she found out that Mimi was over at Halli's house and still had not eaten any lunch. I brought the girl home and gave her some ochazuke (Japanese soup and rice) knowing that in about another hour we would be going over to grandma's house for dinner. The girl ate about 10 small servings of grandma's pot roast.

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