Friday, February 18, 2011


My day started off great with my visit with Lisa. We did a whirlwind tour of Seattle. It got a bit stressful when I came home and opened up our e-mail. Another *&^%$ form to fill out for our homestudy update.

Many moons ago when dad was young and not so bright, he was at the wrong place, wrong time and wrong people, he was arrested and had to spend the night in the pokey. When it came time to adopt Mimi, he called the courthouse and asked for the report to which he was told that they don't keep those kind of records for any length of time and so they would just fax him a letter to which they did just that. Now there is a form to fill out. ARGH!

Way back around Halloween last year was when our update homestudy was done. About a week before Christmas was when Mike our homestudy guy wrote to say that he needed our original homestudy to complete his job. Should he not have had it by then? It was our 2nd homestudy with this man. A little over a week ago dad got ALL of the papers Mike asked for and sent them into Mike. Last Monday dad called to see if Mike had sent everything to Bal Jagat and the man said he had just sent it in that morning. HE LIED! As of yesterday the man has yet to send our paperwork in! Everything is due by March 5th. Egads. Dad who is normally mild mannered lit his fuse and laid into the guy. Apparently Mike and Bal Jagat are now talking.

I just had to call Emily and Nathan's mom Lisa and share all of this. She said that Mike has yet to do their post homestudy update for Emily who has been home nearly 2 two years already.

So therefore I thought that I would drink a bit and have some chocolate. Ate a couple of pieces of the chocolate, closed the box and made the mistake of leaving it on my side table next to my recliner. When I came back downstairs, Butch had polished the rest of the box off. Great, now I have a dog with chocolate poisoning. He's a sturdy little fella and nothing bad happened thank goodness.

Then last night was the parent meeting at the gym. Dad and I take turns going as only 1 parent needs to attend. We went through the usual stuff such as what we as parents could do to help our child along and the importance of conditioning for the athlete. Then the big news came.

Most of the people in the gymnastic world knew this info and it was all over the news up here in the northwest.

At the end of the this month , our gym had a competition set up with the Top Notch gym in Portland. The guy who owns the gym also owns a cheerleading team. He is also on the gymnastic board that sets up the competitions for the regionals and national competition.

Well.......last week we got news that he was arrested for........possession of child pornography on his computer. Needless to say our trip to Portland was cancelled. I think that was a good idea, don't you? He is now in jail, cannot be anywhere near children including his own, career is shot.

A short while back both he and his wife bought a 7 year lease for the gym. The gym is up for sale now so whoever purchases it is locked into a 7 year lease.

One of the parents asked about the regionals that was/is to be taking place in Portland this year. Since this man was in charge of putting the money in for the location and he got arrested, his position in the gymnastic world is on hold and our Coach Debbie is the only one talking to him now, she found out that he NEVER MADE THE DOWN PAYMENT for the gym location for the regionals. Coach Debbie says that Missy (don't know her) from Utah has stepped up to take this man's place. That has some of the parents up in arms cause it may mean that the regionals will be held in Utah. Which means more $$$$ for us to dole out. Airfare/hotel you know. Things are still up in the air.

As of now a lot of things are up in the air for the Putney's. I can't wait for some of it to come on down.