Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Of course no day is complete without home made Snickerdoodle cookies and milk. I was instructed by Mimi on the proper way to eat a cookie which is to dunk it in to milk before eating it. Then she wanted to make sure that I make enough cookies to leave for Santa. Then there is the milk and note to Santa that goes along with the cookies.


Tomorrow evening along with Maddie and Marissa, Mimi will be giving her debut piano performance at our local Senior Citizen Home. Therefore tonight she was supposed to be practicing her piece "Jingle Bells" when all of a sudden she turned around and got into position then said "Mom, I need to meditate before playing my song. Ommmm" I then asked her "Who taught you this?" To which the girl replied..."Blake". Duh, I should-da known better.


This was taken while riding the Light Rail on our way to downtown Seattle. Mimi was goofing off with dad's phone and my phone. She made a phone call to. . . .herself.


Dad has a couple of weeks of vacation and Mimi is loving every minute of it. One time she told dad to ask his boss to see if he could work only on Saturday and Sunday and have the rest of the time off.

Yesterday dad had to go into his office for a meeting and I thought that since this is Christmas week, not much going on in school, Mimi could skip school for the day and we would accompany dad to Seattle. Which is what we did. So of course we had to take the Light Rail. It is now completed and goes all the way from the Sea-Tac airport to downtown Seattle.

Mimi and I went to Uwajimaya while dad continued on to his office. Mimi really likes going to the Kinokuniya bookstore. We spent a good hour there looking at books. Then I tried out Beard Papa cream puff and oh was it deelicious! So very creamy. By this time it was going on 11:30 and we were hungry and I had been dying to go to Todai's. So back onto the lightrail we went. Had to pass the Nordstrom's to get to Todai"s. Gosh! Was there a super long line outside waiting to go into see Santa and have your picture taken with him. Our friend/neighbor Michelle and her family was there but we did not hear them call out to us. To much hustle and bustle in the city.

Todai's was great as always. What I think is a hoot is...a child who is 4 feet and under gets the child price. They have no idea as to how much tuna and shrimp sushi Mimi can pack away. That is not to mention the miso soup too. They make the sushi exactly how Mimi likes it, which is without the wasabi. That you have to put on yourself if you so desire.

Almost forgot to mention that we met up with dad at Todai's. When lunch was done, it was time to head over to the monorail. We got onto a two door elevator to take us up to the monorail and Mimi kept pushing the button to close but the backdoor kept opening. I did not realize that she was pushing the button till another passenger mentioned this to me. In the meantime there was another gentleman trying to get on. So there we were, this man pushing the button for the door to open and Mimi pushing the button to close. Needless to say we finally made it to the Space Needle and Mimi had a short lesson in elevator etiquette.

The Seattle Center has a 20 year plan to re-vamp everything there. They have already torn down the Fun Forest in the Children's Museum which makes me happy that Daphne and I took the kids to play there before all of this happened. The majority of the rides will be gone by next summer and the outdoor arcades were closed. However Mimi got to go on a couple of the rides indoors then it was time to head over to South Center for a business meeting with the banker. We are in the process of refinancing our house. I must say that Mimi did pretty darn good for the amount of time we spent there.

By the time we arrived home it was evening and we were all quite tuckered out.