Monday, January 28, 2008


This morning started off with the whole Putney family waking up early. Papa had to go to work, mama and Mimi had a dentist appointment before school starts. Very early this morning more snow had fallen and outside looked just like a Christmas card so mama took a couple of pictures before the sun came up. They came out pretty good I think.
As soon as papa left the house he called on the cell phone to say that the roads were pretty bad and icey along the highway and for mama to be careful when going to the dentist. Mama assured him that things will be fine as we are going to the new dentist next to Mimi's school which is only a 15 minute walking distance. Mimi had a lot of fun riding in her sled all the the way to the dentist office. There is good news and bads news to tell. The bad news first. Mama has a couple of cavities an needs to have a crown put on one of her teeth. Both mama and the dentist discussed a dental regime that will suit her needs to see not only the dentist but a periodontist as well in order to keep her teeth from falling out. Just the way it was done back home in California. The good news is that Mimi has NO CAVITIES!!! Yipee!!! Mama and papa have been working hard to keep that from happening. Lots of brushing and flossing. Fortunately Mimi is not too crazy about candy but she does absolutely love hot cocoa and ice cream.
Since we had quite a good amount of snow fall last night and icey roads, the schools are closed for today (except for Mimi's school). On the way home from the dentist office, all the kids in the neighborhood was out having fun playing in the snow making snow angels, snowmen, snow sculptures, snowball fights and sledding down the driveways. Even the labs Ziggy and Marley got into the fun. Then it was time for a hot lunch and school for Mimi and naps for the little ones. Mama took Mimi to school in her new wagon that she really likes a lot.
Due to the weather, the school meeting that was scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The teacher says they were going to talk to the parents about the new reading program that the school has just begun to implement. According to the teacher, based on the apptitude test all the students took a couple of months ago, the students will be put into different reading groups. Each group will consist of a book and the students will be given homework to do at home and turn them in when due.
At Mimi's last school the students were given a several different colored books and each book consisted of different things to do such as the red book the students were to practice writing letters, the blue book they were to practice writing numbers and so forth. I think this will be along the same lines. We shall see.