On the way home yesterday, I saw this dog wandering my street. Being the animal lover that I am, I just had to bring him home and try to find out who he belongs to. So far my search has reached a dead end.
He had no license, no collar and is not chipped as I have found out today. I would say that the only bad thing about him is that he snorts loud and often. Other than that he is just the most sweetest, gentlest dog there is. He and Butch get along swimmingly and he leaves Stanley alone. Another nice thing about having him here is that Butch also leaves Stanley alone. "Gordo" as he has become to be known keeps Butch company. However he is quite a bit bigger than Butch so he tries to push Butch out of the way. He is way heavier than Butch too which may be why he snorts/snores so much. While here, he is on a diet.
Hopefully we will be able to find his rightful owners. So far I have posted his picture on facebook and all around the neighborhood.