Today was graduation day for both Mimi and Blake. All week long they have both been so jazzed about it. Although they both go to the same school and have the same teacher. Mimi and Blake go to school on different days. Mimi goes on M-W-F and Blake goes on T-Th. This time the administrator decided to have all of the morning classes graduate the same day and time and all of the afternoon graduate the same day and time.
We were also quite happy that grandma and grandpa could attend also. They seemed to be very pleased with what they saw today. Although they have quite a few grandchildren (all of whom are adults now) this is the very first time they could attend any of their grandchildren's school functions. All of the grandkids (except Mimi) grew up far away from them.
When all was said and done, grandma and grandpa went home (grandpa has a MD appointment this afternoon), papa went back to work and mama and Keri took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate. Believe it or not Mimi had a blast playing there and actually wore herself out! It was her very first time going there and she loved it. I have a feeling that we will be going back there again and again and again. She is now taking a nap on mama's bed.