Saturday, December 13, 2008


This morning while sitting at the breakfast table, mom noticed a bald spot on Mimi's head. What possessed the girt to cut her own hair AGAIN, I have no clue. When I asked Mimi WHY she cut her hair again, I got the universal answer of "Idon't know". EGADS! When I mentioned that we may have to go see Maya about trimming her hair, you would have thought the world had come to an end. "I don't wanna go see Maya! I wanna let my hair grow out!" cried Mimi. Well it sure helps if you don't take the scissors to your head. Mom then figured out that she could camaflouge it.


After the party mom and Mimi stopped by to see grandma and grandpa for a short while before heading home. Soon as we arrived home Mimi went to change into her snow clothes and could not wait to have a snowball fight with dad. A little later mom and Mimi went to the school ground to play in the snow and making snow angels


After the hair crisis at the house, mom and Mimi scooted over to our local McDonald Playland for Alex's birthday party. If you want to have a party for your child and don't want it to be at your house, the playland is a great place to have it especially when one's birthday is in the winter months and it is cold and rainy outside but in our case snowing. All of the kids had loads and loads of fun. Unfortunately Blake had a nasty cough today and stayed at home.