Monday, November 1, 2010


There has been a WHOLE LOTTA THAT GOING ON here this past school year. Not sure if it is because Mimi is getting older now or what. There was a time when the kid was getting up before the sun would rise.

Now with the changing of the season and we are back to the cold, dark, gray weather and along with the blackout curtains it is soooooooo dark in her room at 7:30 in the morning. Even without the blackout curtains it is still really, really dark outside. Also now that she is a bit older, her bedtime has extended to between 9:00 and 9:30. That also gives a bit of family time for us too.

So with all of these factors in place, she does not get up at the crack of dawn. However even on the mornings when she does.......that is a whole different story. Instead of getting dressed, the girl will put on her music and play, play play. Then there is the puzzles. Mimi loves, loves, loves the 3-D puzzles that I buy for her at the Uwajimaya market. The nice part is they are only a dollar a pop.

So now I am constantly reminded of the Bill Cosby comedy where he states that his wife is a college educated woman but yet she is always going around the house talking to herself. That's me. I am also yelling at the ceiling from the kitchen downstairs. Our conversation usually goes something like this......."Mimi !!!" I yell. "Whu-ut !" comes the reply. "Come down and eat breakfast !" I yell back to the girl. "In-na minute ! (she gets that from her dad)! I'm getting dressed !" yells Mimi. This will go on for about 30 - 45 minutes. Then the one nice thing about carpeting is that I can go upstairs without her hearing me and catch her playing in her room in nothing but her panties and undershirt. Ooooo that child ! That's about the time when I make all of these false threats to her. Then she will slide down the banister to the kitchen wrap her little arms around my neck and give me her fish lips look and say "I know you love me even when I drive you crazy. Kiss Me !" Of course as usual my heart just melts right then and there.