Today started off with going to the Seattle Culture Center for our monthly World Peace Prayer meeting. While there Mimi got the chance to play with all of her friends Sara, Ling Ling, Alex, Tasha and Naira. They always have way to much fun all the time. She had so much fun that she did not want to come home but we had plans to meet with Rhonda and the girls in the afternoon.
However I received a phone call from Rhonda and found out that she and the girls were at the McDonald's by the gym. She was having lunch with a couple of other lady friends from her church and since we were on our way home and we have to pass by that very McDonald's, we stopped there instead. Mimi was ecstatic. This is the McDonald's that has been closed for several months for renovation meanning they put in a brand spanking new playset and she has been dying to try it out. We all had a very good time together catching up on all of the latest gossip while the kids played on the playset in the next room. Finally it was time to head for home however Thelma and Louise always have way to much fun together. So much so that Elsie did not want to go home. So instead she came home with us for several more hours. I took this picture so that you could see how much Mimi has grown since we moved up here. When we first moved in, you could not see her head over the banister and now look how much the girl has grown. Plus they are standing flat on the ground, no tippy toeing. Of course when I brought Elsie home, Mimi tagged along and both girls cooked up a plan to play together even longer. They figured that if they got out of the car real fast, they could race upstairs to Elsie's room without me knowing it. Mimi asked on the way "Mom, you're going to stay and talk with Rhonda for a while aren't cha?" Hint, hint. We did stay for about 30 minutes or so. By 7:30 p.m. it really was time to go. By 9, the girl was passed out cold.