Thursday, February 24, 2011


This is Mimi's favorite Wii thing to do. Blake and Shad love Club Penguin. So the kids switched back and forth. Shad says "I think my mom will like this cuz she likes funky music and she's kinda funky" The boy is not far from wrong.


When we got home Shad was outside playing so I had Mimi go put on her snowpants, hat and gloves and once again the snowball fighting began. They played and played to their little hearts content and till they could stand the cold no longer. Then it was time to come in for some hot cocoa and Wii games.


On the way home from downtown Seattle I was lucky, no snowfall. Then I thought it would be a great idea to stop by the lake to see how the sledding is as they have some pretty good size hills for the kids to sled on. I thought that if was good enough, I would take the groceries home and come back with Mimi, Butch and a sled but it was a no go. Most of the morning snow was gone and it had just started to snow again while we were there and the new snow is too soft. It is when it has hardened a bit. Butch had loads of fun none the less.


Mimi loves her soups on the cold days. Downtown was not so bad. Very little snow if any at all. It's all mostly at the foothills like where we live. I knew that we were to get more snow today so we did not stay long. We did however go to the Kinokuniya bookstore which is always a favorite of Mimi's. I think that her Uncle David and Auntie Setsue may have rubbed off on her. Whenever they are in town, we always have to make a pit stop there during the visit.


We were on our way to the downtown Seattle Uwajimaya when Butch saw Reno in the park and just went nuts. So we stopped to play for a short while and the fight was on.......with snowballs of course.