Thursday, August 7, 2008


These are several of Mimi's presents from this camping trip. The whistle came from our dining car dinner and believe it or not it really does sound like a honest to goodness train whistle! Mimi fooled a couple of people outside in the parking lot with it.
We have now aquired a family of foxes to add to the menagerie of stuffed animals that Mimi has collected from day one. Pictured here is mama fox along with her babies Icky and Ricky. Who knows where Mimi has come up with these names. Mama tried to get Mimi to change the names to no avail. Oh well what can I say?


This picture was taken last Friday on our first hike at Paradise just on the other side of Mount Rainier. Together with Mimi is David and Ben (silly face). They are posing inside a hollow tree that had fallen on its side.


Mimi slept a full 3 hours yesterday afternoon. Boy was she hungry when she woke up for dinner but that is a contradiction in itself. It's funny how life plays out sometimes. Even though she came to us through the adoption pathway of life, we definitely have connections from our previous past lifetimes. In almost identical ways I can see a lot of my mom in her. Mimi and her grandma share a lot of the same characteristics. They both are petite is size, have a hot temper like fire that flares up quickly then dies down just as fast, very loving (Mimi loves giving out hugs and kisses by the bucketfull), sense of humor that is sooooooo funny and hillarious to all those around her, LOVES BOOKS, hopelessly generous and willing to share anything they have except for food. Mimi had to give that one a second thought when she and Samantha got married a couple of months ago.