Friday, April 2, 2010


Today was my volunteer day and usually I get to go have lunch with Mimi. Actually we the parents can have lunch with our kid/kids any day of the week. I just do it on Fridays cause I am always there. Man! Was it freeze you ass off cold this morning! The wind was blowing so hard (25-50mph) that it knocked the fence down on one of the houses in our neighborhood. Then there was the hail/rain. This is how it was on our way to school. The weather was so bad that the kids were not allowed to play outdoors which made them super happy. Things have quieted down a bit now but I have quite of debris to clean up from the green belt behind our house. I thought that I would take this picture of Mimi and Blake because they are now both toothless and today was an exciting day for Halliwell as well. She lost her (first) bottom front tooth and was soooooo excited about it. She told it to anyone who would listen.