The other day my friend Brandy said that she was going to Costco to get passport pictures for the two boys Mc Callister and Therrian. "Are you going on a trip somewhere?" I asked. To which she answered "It's for the Olympics next year." Big duh for me. With all that has been going on in my life right now I completely forgot about it. I also forgot that we now need to have a passport to get into Canada. A couple of years ago it was not necessary. Thank goodness our passports are still good.
Brandy said that she had spent quite some time looking for a place to stay. Last weekend when they came over to the house we discussed this situation just a little. Both she and dad said that when they tried to look up and book a place to stay it was too early. Now Brandy says that she had a hard time looking because it is later. However she did find this place Sausalito Beachside a bed and breakfast place in Vancouver and booked a reservation. Apparently dad booked us at the same place according to the e-mail we received. Did not get to talk to him about this as he is already asleep in bed. Tried to look it up on the internet and take the virtual tour but everytime I do, the computer shuts down doggone it! Just from the pictures, it looks like a very nice place.
Oh well, I'm too tired now to do anything other than take another dose of anitbiotics and benedryl. My leg does not hurt. Just feels like a bad sunburn and itching like crazy. Tommorrow I go back to see the doc for a follow up. But not before I go to get a manicure and pedicure. The doc said that if the antibiotics that she ordered does not work I may have to go to the; hospital for IV antibiotics. I do hope that I do not have to go that route.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Last night was mom's first and hopefully last trip to the Urgent Care. What started off as a itch in the wee hours of yesterday morning, turned into full blown redness by nightfall. I was pretty much threatened by Brandy that if I did not go seek medical help myself, she was going to take me there herself. I think that doctors and nurses make the absolute worst patients ever and I am no exception to the rule.
Dad put Mimi to bed and I hauled myself to the Urgent Care. Although you can't see it, the red area is very warm to the touch. While sitting in the waiting room, who walks in I may ask? It's our good friend Tasha! Sara's big sis. Poor girl was in a great deal of pain due to a bad UTI. So there we were, Tasha with a painful abdomen and me with my leg. We sure made a pair together.
I was finally able to see the doctor and she really did not know what it is however she did order some antibiotics and Benedryl and said that if the condition gets worse to see my doctor tomorrow (today).
The stinky part about living out in the "country" is that the only nearby pharmacy is 14 miles away. By the time I got home, it was just after midnight.
I tell you, this has been one heck of a week and it's not over yet. EGADS!
Last week at Mimi's lesson I forgot to bring the video so I made up for it yesterday.
Whoever said it is the terrible 2's and 3's lied, lied, lied! At least in our case it was not true. Mimi's 2's and 3's were a breeze. The sassiness started at 4. Just a very minute smidgen though. Then came the 4's, 5's and now 6. It finally came to head in the early part of this week. Phew!!! I feel as though I went to war and back.
Just out of curiousity, I looked online to find out about the characteristics of a 6 year old. What it boils down to is this...... 6 yrs old = non-compliance. The pschologist also said that the kid will raise the bar each time and the parents have to stick to their guns until the kid drops the bar (whenever that will be) and that is known as "extinction". Then the kid will every now and then check in too see if the parent is on the alert. The good news is that if the parent is still on the alert, the sassiness is shortlived. I think Mimi and I have hit the extinction part.
Last Monday Mimi was just as sassy as all get out. Finally I just told her that I was not going to fight or argue with her anymore and that as "punishment" she is to put ALL of her toys in the spare bedroom. "You mean I have to EARN THEM BACK???" the girl asked. "Yep, you got that right babe" I answered. "With the way you are going, you may not even get any toys for Christmas" I continued. "Well you don't know Santa's phone number nyah, nyah, nyah" the child retorted. "Oh yes I do. It's 1-800-Santa!" I answered back. Of course we all know who the REAL Santa is.
As a result, Mimi put all of her toys in the spare bedroom and she was warned that if the sassiness continued I was going to cut off her playdates and swimming lesson. She continued with the sassiness so as a result she missed out on a swimming lesson and not one but TWO playdates with her best friend Blake. It darn near killed me but I stuck to my guns. By Thursday, I could see that it was starting to pay off. All week long, all the child had to play with was Butch and her books. Thursday night she says to me in the gymanstic parking lot "Mom, I've been thinking about all of the crap I've been giving you and I'm sorry". We kissed and made up. These past few days have been a breeze I'm happy to say. There was a whole lot more that we talked about these past few days too.
I told Mimi that since today we will not have the time, that tomorrow she could put all of her toys back into her room. She was quite pleased with the idea needless to say.
Just out of curiousity, I looked online to find out about the characteristics of a 6 year old. What it boils down to is this...... 6 yrs old = non-compliance. The pschologist also said that the kid will raise the bar each time and the parents have to stick to their guns until the kid drops the bar (whenever that will be) and that is known as "extinction". Then the kid will every now and then check in too see if the parent is on the alert. The good news is that if the parent is still on the alert, the sassiness is shortlived. I think Mimi and I have hit the extinction part.
Last Monday Mimi was just as sassy as all get out. Finally I just told her that I was not going to fight or argue with her anymore and that as "punishment" she is to put ALL of her toys in the spare bedroom. "You mean I have to EARN THEM BACK???" the girl asked. "Yep, you got that right babe" I answered. "With the way you are going, you may not even get any toys for Christmas" I continued. "Well you don't know Santa's phone number nyah, nyah, nyah" the child retorted. "Oh yes I do. It's 1-800-Santa!" I answered back. Of course we all know who the REAL Santa is.
As a result, Mimi put all of her toys in the spare bedroom and she was warned that if the sassiness continued I was going to cut off her playdates and swimming lesson. She continued with the sassiness so as a result she missed out on a swimming lesson and not one but TWO playdates with her best friend Blake. It darn near killed me but I stuck to my guns. By Thursday, I could see that it was starting to pay off. All week long, all the child had to play with was Butch and her books. Thursday night she says to me in the gymanstic parking lot "Mom, I've been thinking about all of the crap I've been giving you and I'm sorry". We kissed and made up. These past few days have been a breeze I'm happy to say. There was a whole lot more that we talked about these past few days too.
I told Mimi that since today we will not have the time, that tomorrow she could put all of her toys back into her room. She was quite pleased with the idea needless to say.
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