The other day dad made mention of how bad he feels about not being able to attend any of Mimi's gymnastic classes. He is now working way out in Everett and leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night. There are times now that she is in bed by the time he gets home. Therefore I made a couple of videos for him. I know that is not the same as being there but it is better than nothing at all.
One thing I noticed about our Mimi, when she goes to a make-up class, it is always in the late afternoon as soon as school lets out. During that time there are more of the "older" girls there and Mimi takes her lessons much more seriously as opposed to the usual morning classes where she is the "older" student and likes to goof around the majority of the time. She is much more advanced in the techniques than the other students in her group so maybe she is getting bored and needs more of a challenge. I don't know. I spoke about this matter with her coach Ms. Kathy this morning. She tends to agree with me. Ms. Kathy says that she will let me know which Saturday to bring Mimi in and she will test her to see how well she does and it is a strong possibility Mimi will be able to move up to level 2 in gymnastics. I do know that next year she will have to be in the afternoon classes as she will be going to first grade and be in school all day. Gawd how time flies!!!