Friday, December 5, 2008


All the way to Sara's mom heard from the back seat "Are we there yet?" Finally we reached our destination. Hooray!!! While the grownups were talking in the front room, the kids were playing school in the family room. Papito was the teacher, Sara acted as the assistant and Mimi and Blake were the students. At one point we saw Mimi and Blake come out to the front room to play and we asked them if they got kicked out of the family room. "Nope" they both said, "We are on recess".


Grandma: Mimi, have you ever kissed Blake?
Mimi (with a scruntched up face): Oh nooo!!! Yuck! He's gross!!!
And the saga of whatever Mimi has Blake has to have continues. Way before Butch came into our lives, Blake had and still has a stuffed toy Pug who's original name was Spike but now has become Butch. While at grandma's house, grandma said that she saw the stuffed penguin in the store the other day and bought it for Mimi. Mimi was super happy and pleased about it. On the other hand ol' Blake was looking a bit sad. Mimi had decided that she wants to name the penguin Pengy, so she did. While at Red Robins Blake put his dollar into the toy vending machine which had a variety of stuffed animals to pick from including a penguin and picked out his penguin with "the claw". This particular vending machine was the kind where one can play until they win. As you may have guessed, he named his penguin Pengy also.
Then during the time while we were waiting for the food, Blake would try to tell Mimi how she should color her paper placemat and I must say that he can be quite persistant too. "I can do whatever I want! You are not my boss!" Mimi says. Whenever Blakes says that Mimi won't listen to him, the guys in the neighborhood tell him to "suck it up cuz it ain't ever going to change." Poor little fella. Like I always say they are like brother and sister forever and always. Finally after the food arrived and while we were eating we had loads of fun playing "I Spy".


That's what Mimi told her grandma and grandpa this afternoon. Since little Bailey was taking a nap at the pick up time, mom brought Blake home along with Mimi. Then when he got wind of Mimi going over to Sara's house this evening the first thing that popped out of his mouth was "Can I come too???" He just absolutely adores Sara. So as you can see he came along with us but not before making a stop to see grandma and grandpa first then heading to Red Robins for dinner before going over to Sara's.


Butch has now been a part of our lives for one and a half months. Between him and Mimi and her friends, there is never ever and dull moment around the Putney household. Butch is now still at the chewing stage of his little life. He will come out of Mimi's room with any number of her stuffed toys. Pictured here is Butch chewing on one of Blake's shoes. His other favorite past time is chasing his tail and anything else he can sink his teeth into including mom's toes. Ummmm Yummy and Tasty too!!!


To this day Mimi has not stopped running. Although inside the house it has turned into a gallop. She does however eat quite a bit. On Thanksgiving day she had 5 servings of turkey, stuffing and gravy. Then everyday after, she still had to eat more turkey. Mom has not weighed her in quite a while but she did today. Mimi weighs all of 40 lbs. She's a solid little thing. She is still very active with gymnastics and running/galloping everywhere. People always tell me that they wish that they had at least half the energy Mimi does. Maybe that is why Mimi stays so slender. Now that soccer is over, Keri and mom are looking into signing the kids up for t-ball. Have to do something with all that energy.