Saturday, July 12, 2008


All this afternoon papa and neighbor/friend Ray were cleanning out the gutters of our homes. Mama meanwhile started to set up Mimi's pool when she realized that this is more than a one person job. When mama bought this pool, she did not realize how big it would be even though the box stated that it is 15' x 32". Maybe that is why she only received a passing grade in home economics all those years ago in Junior High. She can't measure worth a darn. In between time, we went over to grandma's house for papa's birthday dinner. Then came home to resume the gutter cleanning.
Believe it or not, these pictures were taken at 9:00 p.m. and it was still 72 degrees outside but since there is no wind, it feels like 82 degrees.


According to Ray and papa, there is more than one use for a child carseat. Since we are fortunate to have good weather today papa and Ray made a date to clean the rain gutters before it is too late. Since the houses are too high up they needed to go and rent a taller ladder from the hardware store and this is how they brought it home.


Whenever someone has a birthday such as today was Elsie's birthday and papa's birthday, Mimi will always ask the enevitable queston "When is my birthday?" Mama will tell her that it is not until next January which is followed by the universal question of "WHY?" sigh. hmmmm