Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thursday both Mimi and I have an appointment with the doc. We will know for sure then what is going on with the girl. One would think that this would slow the girl down some. Oh so NOT!!! Her appetite has not slowed down either. Although dad tries to help out some, I am still doing the majority of the work and then some. I now truly feel for those who have lost the use of an arm for one reason or another.

Mimi now wants to bring her lunch to school as opposed to buying it there. She says that it is easier for her to carry her lunchbox as opposed to carrying a tray. They do have helpers in the cafeteria but noooooo she wants a sack lunch. Darn that girl. It makes more work for me.

Although I can Drive short distances now, it seems that everything is a chore. Yesterday I made the trip to our local Walmart to get Mimi some sweat pants and velour pants. Putting her leggings on is awfully difficult doing it with one good hand. Then it was on to Costco for her lunch provisions. The guy behind me looked at me with wide eyes when I told him that this was all for Mimi. Brandy who happened to be behind this guy confirmed my purchase to him.

Mimi was not too thrilled with the PB&J I bought (frozen kind) the child likes "grown-up food" like Prochutto and such.But hey I have to make things easy on myself.

I must say though, the girl is really independent. She can go up and down the stairs safely by herself. She sits on her bum and scoots up or down. Now with the new pants, she can dress herself and she gets around pretty good on her crutches. When we go to school, I cart her in her old umbrella stroller. She is still small enough to fit in it and I put her backpack in the basket along with the crutches and off we go. Same with coming home. I found out today that the child on her own has made arragements for her classmates to help her during the day. That girl is something else. If Emilyis anything like Mimi, Lisa definitely has her work cut out for her.