Wednesday, September 29, 2010


For the most part Mimi is enjoying this year. However the part she really dreads is the homework. Can you blame the child? As she has said before her favorite subject is PLAY.

Yesterday was my first day to volunteer in the classroom. I really don't think we pay our teachers enough money for all of the work they do.

There are 24 kids in Mimi's class. Half of them I know from last year class and some are from our neighborhood such as Blake, Olivia and Rachel.

School now is sooooooo much different than when I went to school and now I am having a little hard time trying to figure things out. The grading system is so much different.

Mimi's teacher Ms. Davidson really emphasizes reading and math. Every Tuesday and Thursday there is a minute math test and every Friday is a spelling test. Mimi is on the-2's. It is all review work now. I think Blake told me that if the kids get up to the -3's by the end of October (?) , they will get a 3 on their report card. He said that the teacher does not give out 4's.

Maybe later on in the year she will give out the 4's. Will have to check this out. Anyhoo, parent/teacher conferences will be coming up soon so I can ask then.


Seems like everytime we see Elsie, she has lost another tooth. Looks like she went 10 rounds with a boxer. In the meantime, Mimi is trying to hold on to hers.