Thursday, February 26, 2009


Although the majority of the snow has melted by now, it is still considered a snow day by the school district. I really did not want to stay at home. Starting to get cabin fever ya know. So I packed everyone up in the car and off we went. First I thought that we would head over to Costco. I saw Shelley's industrial strength mixer yesterday and really want one. I'm finding that alot of the moms do baking up here in the Winter months and I am getting darn tired of mixing everything by hand. So off we went. While in the car ole' Butch started to get real ansy so I thought that first we would stop down by the lake so that he and Mimi could get the sillies out of them. When we reached the lake it was very picturesque something out of Mayberry on the old Andy Griffth show way back in the day. Kinda wished I had my camera with me darn it! There was no one there so I let Mimi and Butch run loose. They both had a grand old time together. Then on Costco we went to look for my mixer. Unfortunately they did not have it but we did see Erin and Patrick and their mom Janet. They were killing time while Liam was in school. We then went over to Fred Meyer's to check out their mixers and they did have them but they cost a whopping $249.00 therefore that killed that idea right then and there. However we did get some grocery shopping done while we were out and about. Now that we are home Mimi and Erin are playing quietly in her room and Butch is passed out cold. I may take a nap myself as I have not been getting much sleep lately.

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