Monday, May 12, 2008


Today when mama opened up the internet this is what she saw. The picture on the right is of Mimi's foster mom, grandparents and brother.
Although Mimi is from the Nanchong area, we received her in Chengdu where the earthquake happened. We are hoping and praying that our China family is all ok.


After dropping Mimi off at school today, Melissa (Jackie's mom) says that Mimi is in the classroom saying "Never fear! Dr. Mimi is here!" We all had a good laugh about that one.


Last night at grandma and grandpa's our Mimi was a complete angel. Upon arriving home and putting Mimi to bed, mama and papa put on their jammies and went down stairs to a candlelit kitchen table, fixed a stiff drink and danced to Bobby Blue Bland's song "I Can Take You To Heaven Tonight" on the kitchen floor. That's one of mama's favorite songs to dance to.