Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Tinkerbell is flying off to Neverland (bed) after sprinkling her pixie dust everywhere.


Today the roads were clear, so after gymnastic school Mimi and mama made a run for the Northbend outlet mall. By the time we finished, we were quite hungry and decided to stop at McDonald's for something to eat on the way home. Mama asked what kind of happy meal does she want. Mimi replied "hang-a-burger" (she still has a bit of trouble pronouncing hamburger). Mimi then proceeded to goof around with her words. She went from hang-a-burger to hang-a-booger. She laughed and laughed about that one. I guess that when one is almost 5 years old, the more disgusting something is, the better. Oh well, que sera sera.


Whatever Mimi has her friend Blake has to have. Mimi has long since worn shoes with lights, Blake now has them, Mimi has a Lightening McQueen race car rug, Blake went out and bought a Nascar rug, Mimi has The Polar Express dvd, Blake went out and bought the same dvd, Mimi now has a Beta fish, Blake wants one. The latest is, last weekend Mimi picked up her first pair of ski's from REI, yesterday Blake went out to get his ski's. So now they both can go skiing together. Plus unlike mama, papa ski's and so does both of Blake's parents.

Yesterday while shopping for lunch, mama bought Mimi a "Lightening McQueen" sippy cup. Although Mimi doesn't drink from sippy cups because "they are for babies like Bailey", she will drink from it with the lid off. Works out well anyways, because when Bailey comes over, she now has a cup that she can use. Mama is just waiting for the same cup to show up at Blake's house.

This all just cracks me up.