Brrrrr!!! Is it ever cold outside!!! The weatherman says that it is suppose to get up to 41 degrees today. We'll see.
Mimi and mama have a busy day ahead of them today. We will go have breakfast at Black Diamond Bakery. Then it is off to the doctor office, then gymnastic school. This is the first visit with the new doc. After moving up north, mama found a very good doctor here. Then what does he do? He moves down to California where we are from!
Therefore mama had to find another doctor. She then tried to make an appointment with the new doctor and was told that the only way she could see Dr.so and so was that she needed to be sick. Now the time has finally come. Mama is not sick but does need a prescription for her thyroid medication. I tell you, moving out of state is a pain in the a_ _!!! Now they (political people) are trying to get the state of Washington to go Universal Health like they do up in Canada. This should be quite interesting to see how it plays out.