Sunday, April 29, 2007


This weekend mama had to go to work, so therefore papa stayed with Mimi,
Yesterday, I had called home to let papa know that I was on my way home. Papa asked if I could stop by our neighgbor Pauline's to pick up Mimi.

According to Mimi, she wanted to go over there to play with the twins Jen Jen and Michael aka "didi" because "they like me". Papa responded "What, like I don't?"Mimi then informed papa that he needs to "Play with mama". That's a loaded statement if you ask me. So therefore papa was dropped like a hot potatoe.

Today Mimi and papa went to the FCC picnic at Dougles Park in Santa Monica. While there, they met Elissa and her mom and dad, Marcia and Ben. Unfortunately papa did not bring the camera so there are NO PICTURES!

Papa will definetly not be able to live this down for a long, long time yet to come.
