Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Between the time school let out and piano lessons were to begin, Mimi had about one and a half hours to kill. A couple of days ago mom had promised Janet that she would also pick up Erin from school, of course when the other kids got wind of it they all wanted to come also which is totally fine with mom. The weather has not been good lately, way to wet for the kids to play outside. Mimi has been practicing her songs real hard this week so that she could play for her friends. They were quite impressed. A good time was had by all.


The time now is 7:42 in the morning and mom has been up for an hour and a half enjoying this quiet moment until now. Mimi just woke up which is late for her.

This week is still parent/teacher conference at the school plus it is a holiday week which means our schedule for this week has been turned around. Mimi normally goes to school in the afternoon but due to the schedule change, she has to go in the morning. That means mom had to re-schedule her piano and gymnastic classes for the afternoon.

Although it is still the fall season, it is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas or so the song goes. There is a chill in the air and the nights are crystal clear. One can see a whole sleuth of stars at night. It is so cold that the cats are staying in the house more often. Come this weekend, dad says that he will put up the Christmas lights. That should make Mimi real happy. She can't wait for Santa Claus to get here.