Friday, February 4, 2011


Mimi is sporting the new leo all of the team members get this year. It comes with the hair doo dad and biker shorts. You can't tell from this picture that the leo, shorts and hair doo dad is SUPER shiny. Tomorrow is her first competition of the season. Since her heel is still a smidgen sensitive, Mimi will only compete in the double mini and trampoline and not any of the floor exercises. We wish her all the best.


This is a new place that recently opened with new owners. We stopped
by to try it out. The food was pretty good but I believe they are
pricey for a burger, pizza and one soda. I think it will be a while if
we go back again. For $30.00, we get better food at Red Robin IMHO.


That's how the girl pronounces it. Here we stand at the Black Diamond
City Hall. How many times I pass by it and never noticed it was here
before. Right across Mama Paserrelli's on our way to Nathan's house.